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The Female Pharaoh: How Cleopatra Used Fragrance to Empower Herself

Women's empowerment is a topic of great relevance today. From education and healthcare to equal pay and representation in leadership positions, women have been fighting for our rights and equality for decades, even since the dawn of civilization. Today, I want to pay tribute to Cleopatra, a powerful and influential woman who embodies female empowerment and whose legacy has transformed the world of perfumery and beauty.
Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt, ruled with intelligence and strength, using fragrance as part of her strategies to reinforce alliances and ensure her power and influence. Initially, fragrances like Kyphi had a sacred meaning in Egyptian culture, and were used exclusively as offerings to the gods to establish a connection between the earthly and the divine. Cleopatra recognized her potential for her personal use and as a resource to attract her admirers Mark Antony and Julius Caesar, enhancing her beauty and generating greater attraction to the point that they could not get her out of her mind.
Cleopatra was a pioneer in building a personal brand through scent, considering it a powerful tool to influence others and enhance her own power. She used oils and perfumes made from rose, jasmine, myrrh and cardamom among others to create a sense of enchantment and mystery around her, and it is said that she even had her own signature blend. In addition, she is credited with inventing many beauty products, including a brown-colored eye paste, a lip cream made from honey, oil, and tuberose, and a blend of scented oils for baths.
Cleopatra's legacy in perfumery and cosmetics allowed ordinary people to have access to luxury beauty products and perfumes, popularizing cosmetics and perfumery that remains relevant to this day. Her use of her scent is just one example of how she understood the importance of image and perception in maintaining her power.
Today, women continue to fight for their empowerment, and the use of aroma as a tool of influence and power continues to be relevant in different fields. From the boardroom to the bedroom, scent can be used to create a sense of confidence, charm, and authority.
In conclusion, Cleopatra's legacy in perfumery and cosmetics is an example of how women can use our unique strengths to achieve the success and influence we seek by leveraging our own strengths and thus contribute to the fight for our rights and achieve a greater equality and empowerment.

Alejandra Merino Perfumer at My Zent Sense your Brand



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